Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing
July 9–13, 2017 — New Orleans
This year’s conference theme—Sustainability, Success and Impact—reflects key objectives for those who manage, develop, and use advanced research computing throughout the nation and the world: sustainability of the infrastructure environment; measuring and ensuring success for organizations that provide and use advanced research computing; and impact of the technologies on the workforce and on science and scholarship. The theme is also relevant as we inaugurate the PEARC conference series and strive to create a self-sustaining event with continued impact.
Download the Conference Guide (PDF)

August 30, 2017
Here's a nice report on the inaugural Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference by participants from the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI).
PEARC17 Report from SGCI Staff and Students

To all PEARC17 participants:
We want to thank you once again for helping to make the inaugural Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference a success. We hope it was everything you expected and more!
In our last message to attendees,...
July 26, 2017

Looking for some of your favorite PEARC17 slide presentations?
Just search for "PEARC17" at vpn服务器美国.
We also plan to add links to this website at some point.
July 13, 2017

PEARC17 wrapped up today with an awards luncheon. Awards were presented by Maytal Dahan, Technical Program Chair, and Alana Romanella, Student Program Chair.
The Phil Andrews Best Technology Paper
Stampede 2: The Evolution of an XSEDE Supercomputer
July 13, 2017

A report on HPCwire based on Paul Morin's Wednesday plenary talk on mapping the poles:
Satellite Advances, NSF Computation Power Rapid Mapping of Earth’s Surface - July 13
Why PEARC17?
PEARC17 is for everyone who cares about the challenges in using and operating advanced research computing.
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Learn more about PEARC and supporting organizations.